Dairy – Spring/Summer Feeds
Southern Milling Ltd are brand leaders for high quality dairy feeds. Our broad range of consistently, top performing diets have gained an unchallenged reputation for success among generations of Irish dairy farmers.
Click here for Winter Feeds
Supergraze High Fertility Nuts
- 16% high energy dairy feed
- Hi Pro Soya included as a good source of undegradable protein which is limiting in Spring grass.
- Maize is first in list of Raw Materials giving you a high energy feed.
- Contains an Ammonia Absorber to decrease blood urea levels and embryo loss due to high ammonia levels from grazed grass.
- 20mg per cow Biotin when fed at 4kg. Improves hoof health and hoof hardness and also aids milk production at this level of inclusion.
- Protected Zinc as an aid to prevent lameness and help hoof health.
- Contains 4 sources of copper including protected copper giving better absorption of copper thus aiding fertility
- A high mineral content to ensure high submission rates is included in this feed, with elevated copper, selenium, iodine, cobalt, manganese, and zinc, for optimum fertility conditions. Cal mag will also prevent any occurrence of grass tetany and is included in this feed for a 3kg feeding rate.
- Megalac incorporated to increase the energy content of the concentrate. Megalac has been shown to improve body condition in high producing dairy cows in early lactation which improves fertility and helps to increase milk protein percentage.
- Contains a bio available selenium in the form of Sel-saf which improves herd health and fertility.
- Contains the full rate of Yeast when fed at 4kg, helps prevent SARA (Subacute Rumen Acidosis by buffering the rumen when grazing lush spring grass.
Hi Fertility Breeder Supreme Dairy Nut
- Hi Fertility Breeder Supreme Dairy is a 14% nut.
- This is a complementary feed best suited to the grazing high yielding dairy cow.
- Maize meal included at very high levels to boost energy which will lift and improve milk protein.
- Hi Pro Soya included as a good source of undegradable protein which is limiting in Spring grass.
- A high mineral content to ensure high submission rates is included in this feed, with elevated copper, selenium, iodine, cobalt, manganese, and zinc, for optimum fertility conditions. Cal mag will also prevent any occurrence of grass tetany and is included in this feed for a 3kg feeding rate.
- Megalac incorporated to increase the energy content of the concentrate. Megalac has been shown to improve body condition in high producing dairy cows in early lactation which improves fertility and helps to increase milk protein percentage.
- Contains an Ammonia Absorber to decrease blood urea levels and embryo loss due to high ammonia levels from grazed grass.
- 20mg per cow Biotin when fed at 4kg. Improves hoof health and hoof hardness and also aids milk production at this level of inclusion.
- Protected Zinc as an aid to prevent lameness and help hoof health.
- Contains 4 sources of copper including protected copper giving better absorption of copper thus aiding fertility
- Contains high levels of minerals to aid fertility
- Contains a bio available selenium in the form of Sel-saf which improves herd health and fertility.Contains the full rate of Yeast when fed at 4kg, helps prevent SARA (Subacute Rumen Acidosis by buffering the rumen when grazing lush spring grass
Grassmate 16% Hi Fertility Nuts
- Grassmate 16% Hi Fertility Nuts are a high energy 16% protein nut formulated to improve cow reproductive performance at grass.
- Contains protected copper to boost fertility performance at grass.
- Optimum levels of digestible fibre to ensure milk protein and butterfat are maximised on lush spring grass.
- Hipro Soya included to ensure correct levels of undergradable protein are supplied to the cow to boost milk yield.
- High levels of selenium included to ensure top quality fertility performance is achieved at grass.
• Formulated with high levels of top quality native cereals to increase the energy content of the feed which will limit body condition loss in early lactation and improve the cow’s reproductive performance.

Late Lactation Feeding 2020
Autumn grass has a lower energy value (lower sugar content) compared to spring/summer grass even through it can look very leafy and green. The response to ration in terms of milk yield is better in the autumn than at any other time of the year.
Low milk lactose levels can be an indication of not enough energy in the cows diet caused by low intake of wet, low-sugar, autumn grass.
With the above mentioned in mind, We at Southern Milling are promoting our Lacto 16 Dairy Nut.